welcome to the overflo.

The home for my poems, prayers, and the prophetic.

Timil Jones Timil Jones

won’t you celebrate with me?

won’t you celebrate with me? My birthday was 7/4 and today I want to thank you for being here with me for many birthdays. I recently learned about profection years in astrology and apparently I just completed a notoriously challenging 12th House year. It's described by astrologers as a time of deep shedding, particularly in areas of identity so that you can more authentically embody your soul's true nature. That tracks. I'm experiencing deep transformation and transition in this season. I've had to embrace and express some uncomfortable, but liberating truths. I faced some fearsome things in this and other dimensions and I did not die.

Celebrate with me.

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Timil Jones Timil Jones

Getting Your Power Back

We're almost a week into Cancer season. Y'all alright? If things feel intense emotionally, you are in for a reprieve as Saturn goes retrograde on June 30th. For greater context, Saturn has been in Pisces since last year and will be there through 2026. You can read that article here.

It's hard to heal or progress when you're in an environment that's actively causing harm, activating stress, or completely unsupportive. This retrograde is creating a container for disruption to patterns and cycles we've found ourselves trying our hardest to escape. As we surrender and stop forcing and holding on to the crumbling, we experience upgrades in areas where there has been a slow rot. We make room for new foundations that can sustain us as we stretch into the new.

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Timil Jones Timil Jones

Saline Solution - Mercury and Venus in Cancer

Today, Venus and Mercury left Gemini and entered Cancer together. Can you feel it? It's the feeling of water rushing into land made vacant by endings. It is the creation of well water through the cultivation of our depths, reminding us that source energy and Love are inexhaustible. It is an invitation into Self intimacy.

Screenshot I found while purging my digital files this past weekend. "Intimacy is being seen and seen some more and being shown there is no weariness in the witnessing of you." - @ShakWills, App formerly known as Twitter

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Timil Jones Timil Jones

Energetic Audit - Mars in Taurus

Mars just entered Taurus which makes up my 10th house of career and a little of my 11th house of community. Because of this, I'm thinking about the intersection of my life's work and my network. I'm thinking about the people who I've turned to when my difference felt overwhelming or my vision felt too big. I'm thinking about who has capacity to hold me when I'm in need of care, even as I continue to hold that space for others. I'm thinking about my colleagues and friends who I turn to when the realities of being a sybil feel ephemeral to the outside world, but very consequential to me. I'm thinking about real connection. I'm thinking about ties that bind. I'm thinking about the ways our energy is siphoned so that we cannot withstand the stretching or strengthening of these ties in the face of conflict, difference, or external demands. It's still Gemini season after all, so I'm thinking.

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Timil Jones Timil Jones

mindset medicine

All over social media this week I saw folks saying that the new moon felt like a full moon. Did you feel that way? I know the reason why it felt so supercharged. We have Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury next to the Sun which means there is a whole lotta energy lighting up the sky. That is where the sense of fullness comes in, but the critical awareness of having to rightsize something in our life and get to work on whatever is next for us was brought to us by Saturn squaring the moon.

As the purging from last month's full moon in Sagittarius continues to play out, we are better able to experience the purity of our own energy outside of outdated beliefs and lies we may have been reeling from consciously or unconsciously.Facebook Post from Timil Jones: "Your beliefs around what’s possible for you influence the way you pray. This new moon asks us to reflect on how we’ve superimposed past outcomes and feelings on what’s available for our future."

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Timil Jones Timil Jones

dreaming new worlds

At the end of 2022, I dived deeply into Notion as my go-to life management system. I bought a template I vibed with from a creator on Etsy, and as templates go, it was pre-loaded with categories, dreams, and goals. When I started going through the template to make it my own, I replaced everything one by one with books I wanted to read, teachers I wanted to learn from, and places I wanted to go until I got to the Dream Trips section.

Seeing the Northern Lights was the one thing I didn't delete. dea that you have to be responsible for creating it all, and embrace the Truth that you can be responsible for your healing. Through that healing, you can be well enough to receive the new to you. Most of all, imagine us all free. Heaven Is A Place On Earth, painted by Timil Jones, 5/14/2024

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Timil Jones Timil Jones

What The Saturn In Pisces Transit Means For Us All (2023-2026)

On March 7th, the planet of dominance, restraint, and perfection will enter Pisces and remain there for 3 years. Pisces is home to our collective consciousness and loosely holds the wonders of our interpersonal quests for Divine Love. So imagine how uncomfortable it will be when Saturn attempts to establish a sense of order to an energy that is unequivocally unbound. We will have to surrender and release all false senses of control and ego that we have derived from external power structures, even the ones we've had a hand in creating. Our belief systems, traditions, relationships, professions, and overall sense of Self will experience a cosmic baptism. This transformation will be a wide spread purification that covers all levels of existence, and will particularly affect leaders, governments, institutions, and organizations that weaponize Spirit against the people in their care. This bend towards accountability and responsibility makes way for new templates of leadership to be established, and requires us to be extremely boundaried and compassionate as people come into expanded awareness.

An understandable hopelessness will accompany the loss of personal identities rooted in the idea of being right, and the natural stages of grief will be experienced by all who decide that cognitive dissonance is an insufficient coping mechanism after awakening to new Truths. As folks search for something to replace what has been released, it is the responsibility of guides, healers, and teachers to cultivate and encourage Self knowledge through their various modalities of expertise.

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