What The Saturn In Pisces Transit Means For Us All (2023-2026)

On March 7th, the planet of dominance, restraint, and perfection will enter Pisces and remain there for 3 years. Pisces is home to our collective consciousness and loosely holds the wonders of our interpersonal quests for Divine Love. So imagine how uncomfortable it will be when Saturn attempts to establish a sense of order to an energy that is unequivocally unbound. We will have to surrender and release all false senses of control and ego that we have derived from external power structures, even the ones we've had a hand in creating. Our belief systems, traditions, relationships, professions, and overall sense of Self will experience a cosmic baptism. This transformation will be a wide spread purification that covers all levels of existence, and will particularly affect leaders, governments, institutions, and organizations that weaponize Spirit against the people in their care. This bend towards accountability and responsibility makes way for new templates of leadership to be established, and requires us to be extremely boundaried and compassionate as people come into expanded awareness.

An understandable hopelessness will accompany the loss of personal identities rooted in the idea of being right, and the natural stages of grief will be experienced by all who decide that cognitive dissonance is an insufficient coping mechanism after awakening to new Truths. As folks search for something to replace what has been released, it is the responsibility of guides, healers, and teachers to cultivate and encourage Self knowledge through their various modalities of expertise.

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