Energetic Audit - Mars in Taurus

Mars just entered Taurus which makes up my 10th house of career and a little of my 11th house of community. Because of this, I'm thinking about the intersection of my life's work and my network. I'm thinking about the people who I've turned to when my difference felt overwhelming or my vision felt too big. I'm thinking about who has capacity to hold me when I'm in need of care, even as I continue to hold that space for others. I'm thinking about my colleagues and friends who I turn to when the realities of being a sybil feel ephemeral to the outside world, but very consequential to me. I'm thinking about real connection. I'm thinking about ties that bind. I'm thinking about the ways our energy is siphoned so that we cannot withstand the stretching or strengthening of these ties in the face of conflict, difference, or external demands. It's still Gemini season after all, so I'm thinking.

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