mindset medicine

All over social media this week I saw folks saying that the new moon felt like a full moon. Did you feel that way? I know the reason why it felt so supercharged. We have Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury next to the Sun which means there is a whole lotta energy lighting up the sky. That is where the sense of fullness comes in, but the critical awareness of having to rightsize something in our life and get to work on whatever is next for us was brought to us by Saturn squaring the moon.

As the purging from last month's full moon in Sagittarius continues to play out, we are better able to experience the purity of our own energy outside of outdated beliefs and lies we may have been reeling from consciously or unconsciously.Facebook Post from Timil Jones: "Your beliefs around what’s possible for you influence the way you pray. This new moon asks us to reflect on how we’ve superimposed past outcomes and feelings on what’s available for our future."

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Energetic Audit - Mars in Taurus


dreaming new worlds