
Moon Messages: Full Moon In Sagitarius

Jupiter ruled Sagittarius is a wisdom Teacher, and like all master teachers, this Full Moon rewards us through release. We are rewarded for the things we've completed in faith and trust, and we are asked to resist dishonoring ourselves by portending ignorance. To make it plain, knowing better and doing better is the way we respect ourselves and all who have contributed to our becoming.

Some of us will be repeating cycles, and if that applies, shame is what must be released. For others, this is a season of graduation and exaltation. But we all will be given a brand new set of lessons as Jupiter transitions from Taurus to Gemini on May 25th. We always have more to learn. I go deeper into the impact of Jupiter's movement, this full moon, and Gemini season in our full moon messages.

You can watch it here.


MOON MESSAGES | Baptized Thoughts, Thawed Hearts Virgo Full Moon


Capricorn Full Moon Summer Solstice (Members Only)