
Self Initiation: Spring Equinox and Eclipse Season Channeling

When I write about astrology I never do so from a generic or prescriptive understanding, though some things are just universal truths. I say this because we're approaching a season of notable and collectively recognized astrology. We have tomorrow's Spring equinox, Mercury Retrograde's shadow and Eclipse season approaching. When so many people are speaking about the same thing we can be consumed by the distraction created by the buzz of the communal conversation. With that said, all Mercury retrogrades aren't irritatingly disruptive and all eclipses aren't life-altering and earth-shattering. As we approach both of these events I'm trying to ground more fully in my body as I perceive the energies and receive the messages for my Self and those meant to share with you all.

This year, the promise of Spring does not come to us with pristine blossoms and sparkling morning dew. Instead, we are initiated into a new season through a series of rituals that mimic the curious but fearful quest through an enchanted forest. Often rituals are things we consciously and intentionally carry out, sometimes, we even get to elect when we are ready to partake, but Eclipse season is not optional. Eclipses clean out the corners of the walls we push dirt and grime into when we clean. They shake us as if with firm and grisly hands of God, leaving us to deal with the residue of sticky shadows and troubling truths. Eclipses are a collective reckoning that awaken us to realities we may have been trying not to acknowledge.

"...Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." - John 14:27

The level of intensity we experience during the transitions created by the Equinox and Eclipses is directly linked to our willingness to release. If we try and move forward into this season of great transition with a troubled heart and a fearful spirit, we limit our ability to be transformed. If we try to cling to what is, we cloud our vision. Our perspective impacts how we engage these energies. Our current conditions, lived experiences, chosen teachers, innate intuition and inherited wisdom shape our perspective. So, if we can embrace the enchanted forest metaphor we can view this portal as a sort of initiation into greater levels of Self-awareness, knowing, and trust. We can use this time as a chance to play and test all of our knowledge through devotional application. What we want our lives to look like on the other side of this forest walk must be integrated into our understanding of the coming events. If we can embrace curiosity and courage we can better perceive the wisdom we will gain through shattered illusions and the dissolution of fantasies, all happening so our Truth and a more aligned path can emerge.


Moon Messages: Full Moon In Sagitarius


MOON MESSAGES | Baptized Thoughts, Thawed Hearts Virgo Full Moon